Jennifer & Samuel
Jennifer & Samuel

We're getting married!

Jennifer Haffner
Samuel Simmons

April 14th 2023
Cozumel Mexico
681 Days Ago

Jen and Sam's relationship has been unconventional, but full of love. They met on Facebook Dating and talked for a few weeks before meeting in person. The first night they met in person, Sam was shocked by how short Jen was. They talked for a little while and watched a few episodes of Squid Game.

Jen will admit that she initially brushed Sam off as being too young for her. She had no intentions of getting serious with him. However, Sam took an interest in Jen and continued to pursue her. He treated her in a way that she was never treated before, and Jen started falling for him. About a month and a half after they started talking, Jen had surgery and Sam went over to her house to be with her and take care of her. They started spending more and more time together, and eventually they didn't want to be without each other. Even on nights that they were apart, they still Facetimed for hours. Before too long, Sam said those three magical words - "I love you." Shortly after that, they made the relationship official and Sam moved in. The relationship hit the ground running very fast, but nothing ever felt forced. They went with the flow and trusted God's timing. They followed whatever felt right in their hearts. And if you ask Sam, he will say that from the moment he met Jen, he "just knew that she was the one that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with." Jen, who had never experienced this level of romance before, fell head over heels for this young man.

Since starting their relationship, Sam and Jen have continued to be absolutely crazy about each other. They love spending time together. They have seen and accepted each others' flaws and had a fair share of arguments, but life feels complete when they are together. They have also fallen in love with each others' families.

One night in June, Sam took Jen and Emmy to Southeastway Park. While on the playground, Emmy sat down and started saying, "Sammy, get down!" So Sam did get down, except he got down on one knee, held out a ring, and asked the magical question.

With this being Jen's second marriage, she told Sam that she would be happy doing whatever he wanted to do. Sam has always dreamed of getting married on a beach. After doing some searching, Cozumel seemed to be the perfect place.